Por favor, nos ajudem a trazer esta espetacular série sobre carros para o Brasil, mandem um e-mail para a BBC em Londres, segue aqui em baixo as informações para enviar esse e-mail. Participem
Se você não sabe inglês deixo aqui um e-mail traduzido pelo nosso grande amigo John Flaherty!
(E-mail: top.gear@bbc.co.uk)
Enviem a vontade!!!
Hello, Top Gear boys, my name is (name).
I'm brazilian.
Here in Brazil we have cars that aren't really good.
Here, korean cars are a synonym for quality.
You've had a small demonstration when you tested the VW Fox.
But in Brazil, the Fox is targeted for a middle-class market, costing R$40.000 (£14.800), if it's similar to what you get there (4 doors and extras).
Not to mention the build quality and design, all awful!
But the worst is the price of our cars: R$23.000 (£8.500), and that's for a 2-door, 1.0-littre hatch called Fiat Mille Economy(wich is like "a much worse version of UK's Fiat Panda" and I mean it, it's really really worse than the Panda)., with no air-con, power-steering, electric mirrors, windows and central locking.
A GM Vectra GT (Or Vauxhall Astra Hatch, as you know it) costs R$60.000 (£22.000).
The link shows images of Chevrolet's newest creation: the AGILE.
It also costs R$40.000, a real joke.
Used cars also have some high prices: an Audi 80, for which you paid less than £100, here it costs R$15.000 (£5.500).
For R$2.000 (£740), you can get a rubbish crap.
For R$5.000 (£1.800), you get something better, but not THAT better.
And finally, for R$15.000 (£5.500), you get a pretty reasonable 10-year-old basic model.
Anyway, the Brazil on Wheels is that!
I ask you, please, come to Brazil, either for a simple review or for a special episode, but please, come.
You'll be amazed!
Yours truly,
OBS: isso é apenas para eles entenderem que é um movimento, peço que coloquem nos e-mails que enviarem por conta propria tambem.
Em português: http://img684.imageshack.us/img684/8044/emailuq.jpg
Forte Abraço.
Lucas Dantas.
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